
Traffic That Converts into Sales: Lead Gen SEO

SEO focuses on improving the site’s visibility and rankings in the SERPs. Whereas Lead Gen (or Lead Generation) is the process of capturing customers and generating interest for your product or service to turn it into a sale. But what if you need both at the same time? And that’s when Lead Gen SEO comes in handy.

Aggregating the term, Lead Generation SEO is a digital marketing technique in which marketers bank on the search engines to get visitors that can potentially turn into a customer.

Through improved ranking, SEO promises a good deal of traffic to your website. But getting traffic alone can never help your business grow and prosper. It requires a more sophisticated technique to get your visitors through the sales funnel. And you can get it through the lead gen SEO program.

So unlike traditional SEO, which concerns the page ranks and organic traffic, lead-gen SEO focuses on driving sales and generating revenue from them. And Tinysol is among the renowned SEO lead generation companies in Australia that can help your business grow and thrive through increased sales. If you have any queries like “how to generate SEO leads?” then go through or FAQ section once.

SEO Service

It is a marketing process that focuses on attracting interest groups in the search engines and convincing them to buy your products or services. 

In the conventional SEO, search engine ranking and organic traffic are valued the most. Lead gen, on the other hand, focuses on turning the web visitors stranded into the search engines into a potential customer.

Breaking down the term, we can understand lead gen SEO is the way of generating leads through search engines. However, depending upon the types of the website and their goals, leads can be of different types.

SEO is a proven technique to rank up your website in the search engines. The potential customers are also likely to click and interact with the websites that appear on top of search results. So SEO and lead generation go well together. The following are ways how you can generate leads through SEO.

Write engaging content that connects with potential leads

Having good content on your website is essential. Not just for the search engines’ crawlers but also for web visitors. That’s why the adage “Content is King” is quite popular in the marketing industry. So centered around the targeted keywords, you will need to write convincing content for the users.

For the web visitors, your website conveys the messages on your behalf. So for that, you will require content that understands the searcher’s intent and delivers the info in an eloquent and persuasive manner. You need to focus on generating compelling content so that the visitors disregard all of your competitors and choose you at the end.

In order to do that, you will need to include comprehensive information on the topic covering all the aspects of users’ queries. Long and comprehensive content usually goes well with searchers and search engines. 

Several case studies also showed that long content with over 2000 words performed better in terms of SEO and user engagement. But that being said, the length and size of the content don’t matter. It’s actually the quality of it and whether it answers the users’ queries.

Build trust with site visitors

There is no short of phony websites over the internet. With misleading information, many web owners tend to cheat and exploit web users. So standing out from the rest, include only the genuine information. 

Include only the facts in your content and give sources to the information extracted from elsewhere. While including images, make sure it’s true and relevant to the content. 

If you have products or services to sell, never forget to include the extra benefits. Clearly mention if there is a warranty, after-sale services, freebies, or advantages on buying bulk products. 

Earn high-quality backlinks for an SEO boost

If authoritative websites provide links to your site, customers start to trust more in your brand. Not just the web visitors, search engines also give more value to the pages with authoritative links. 

However, you can only get such links if you have high-quality informative content on your website. So always create content for your web pages with comprehensive yet engaging information.

SEO is an amazing marketing tool to rank high on search engines. Prospective buyers usually tend to click on the results that appear on the top. With SEO tactics, you can get a lot of organic leads to your website. SEO has also played an important role to turn leads into sales.

Quality Content

Quality content is the key to success in SEO. Along with the quality, if the content is persuasive, you can turn your leads into sales as well. If your website contains relevant content that answers all their questions, users are likely to convert.

The internet is full of frauds and scammers. So not everyone is trustworthy over the internet. But if you clear all the aspects of your business and products unambiguously, users will start to trust your brand and endorse your products.

Responsive website with fast web pages

Page speed and responsiveness of the website falls on the technical SEO side. Yet it’s a determining factor for converting leads into sales. If your website is not responsive or loads fast, users are likely to leave your website without completing the sales funnel. 

User-friendly UI and CTA buttons

If the user interface on the website is user-friendly, users are likely to interact more. Similarly, the CTA buttons take the users from one stage of the sales funnel to another. So the use of compelling CTA buttons and user-friendly UI can help you turn your leads into sales.

SEO Service

SEO AGENCY Lead Generation Marketing for Driving Quality SEO Leads

Generating leads is the most important stage in the sales funnel. Through awareness, if you succeed in generating interest in the audience, they are highly likely to bring conversion.

And such conversions are essential for the company to achieve its goals. So to benefit you with qualified leads, we perform various kinds of lead generation marketing campaigns.

Leveraging the different digital marketing platforms, we will bring the prospects to your website. Through SEO, PPC campaigns, social media marketing, email marketing, voice, and video SEO, we reach your target audience.

With a thorough awareness, we capture user attention and generate interest in them. And by cleverly bridging the target audience with your website, Tinysol will generate an outbreak in leads.

SEO Service

Lead Gen SEO Services To Rank Higher And Generate Lead Simultaneously

Keeping both lead generation and SEO at the forefront, we help your business rank high on search engines and at the same time generate leads from it.

Unlike others, we will not fool you with cheap website clicks. Instead, we will flood your website with a ton of organic traffic that generates your leads.

Our SEO lead generation services put your brand and products on front and centre targeting your niche audiences.

Tinysol is also renowned for writing comprehensive and quality content for websites. And with the explanatory content and compelling CTA buttons, we will get your users to the path of conversion.

Let's Generate More




Brand Awareness





Our Process

Attract New Leads

Attract New Leads

Maintain Quality Leads

Maintain Quality Leads

Engage Your Prospects

Engage Your Prospects

Delight Possibilities

Delight Possibilities

Upsell/Cross-sell Strategy

Upsell/Cross-sell Strategy

Building Sustainable Referrals

Building Sustainable Referrals

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Frequently Asked Questions

In the past couple of decades, there have been unprecedented advancements in technology. We also encountered a rapid evolution of digital devices and the vast expansion.

SEO is not a lead generating strategy on its own As the initial funnel that brings traffic, SEO works with other aspects of your marketing strategy to generate growth and cultivate trust in your company. Content, website quality, and customer service are the final touches that can capture a customer’s attention help to know their purchasing behavior. Coalition Technologies has the expertise to help you transform SEO-generated traffic into leads and then turn those leads into sales.

There is a lot that goes into lead generation which is the first and important step is to optimize your content using SEO. You need to ensure your pages have clear and trackable calls to action which in turn will help you understand which pages not only drive in traffic but also which ones drive in the most leads.

SEO doesn’t only help you attract leads but also can help your business turn leads into sales, too. Here’s how your SEO techniques can help develop leads into loyal customers. When you continue to create content that informs readers, you help convince leads that you’re the best possible company out there.

Not only because of your products or services but because you inform readers about your wealth of knowledge about your industry.

Our best IT company Tinysol, an SEO agency in NSW Sydney Australia helps to cater to the potential customers at every part of your journey, you will see in increase the probability that leads will become customers. Also, We help to generate leads into sales and finally to generate high ROI with Revenue.

Are you searching for the Best SEO Services in NSW, Sydney Australia? If yes, then you are not far away from your desire. We Tinysol a team of experts will collaborate to grow your business. We help you to generate high revenue in a short period of time with a return on investment( ROI).

Guiding potential customers through the sales funnel can be time-consuming and difficult. If you don’t have the time to do it yourself, Tinysol has an extensive portfolio of successful marketing campaigns that have benefited hundreds of clients. Our talented team of experts online Internet marketers are passionate about SEO, and their expertise can help grow your business to new levels of success. Further, we have the following SEO Services:

Local SEO
Ecommerce SEO
Enterprise SEO
International SEO
Lead Gen SEO

Even after putting all sorts of marketing efforts if the lead is not generating a conversion, it can be a nightmare. And that usually happens if you fail to engage your users. To take your leads and sales prospect to the path of conversion, you will need to engage and direct your visitors to every stage of the sales funnel. And here are a few easy of how you can engage your leads.

Revisit their journey and analyze the behavior

If your leads are not converting, chances are there are internal flaws within your website or the company. So to pinpoint the flaws (if any), you will need to revisit your leads’ journey within your website. 

Most of the users bounce back without converting if they failed to get the information they are looking for. So always try to include fresh and relevant content that goes well with your product. Also, test and check if it’s the user interface or CTA button that’s pulling your back. In addition to that, make your web pages fast and responsive.

Follow up with leads in a timely manner

If there is a way to get back at them, do it in a timely fashion. Following up with the potential clients through phone calls and emails will remind them where they left off. 

Regular follow-ups also help to gain users’ trust. But that being said, too many follow-ups can annoy them, which can make them discard your service altogether. So always be careful on that part.

Be there for them when they need you

After visiting your website, your leads may have certain queries to ask or interest to show. So always give a simple and convenient platform to drop them. Include chatbox, phone number, and email address to let them connect with you. And be quick to respond to their queries whenever you receive them.

Keep in touch with them through the marketing newsletter

Sending marketing newsletters is a good way to convey your messages and promote your products. This can indeed help you get new leads. At the same time, it can also remind them about you and about your product. And this can particularly be helpful if the previous leads left your website in the middle-way without converting.

Tinysol's SEO Services

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