
Reinforce Your Business with Retargeting And AdWords Remarketing Services

Getting clicks to the website is encouraging. But it can be equally saddening when the clicks failed to bring conversions. However, visitors reaching the businesses and leaving it in the middle way is not actually a new thing. You may encounter some visitors, who come to your shop and leave without purchasing anything. You cannot stalk such visitors down the road and convince them to buy your product. It’s neither ethical nor feasible.

But in the online world, things are rather different.

If a visitor enters your website and leaves without interaction, you don’t have to feel dejected, just yet. When a user enters your website, a cookie is set in their browser. Making use of that, you can remind such users about your product. And that technique of catering again to the previous audiences is known as remarketing or retargeting, based on how you use them.

With our remarketing and retargeting services and campaigns, you can leverage all the leads you receive on your website. These campaigns not just help increase your brand awareness but can turn a random visitor into a customer. It allows advertisers to regenerate interest in the audiences and move them down the marketing funnel. So capitalizing on the retargeting audiences, you can reinforce your business and boost your sales.


Remarketing aka retargeting is a promotional technique in which the targeted ads are served to the people, who have already visited or interacted with your business. Whenever a user visits a website, a javascript tag (known as a pixel) sticks to the web browser in the form of a cookie.

And whenever you run a remarketing campaign, the ad reaches your previous audiences with the help of that cookie. It’s easier to convince the users, who have already visited your website. So the conversion rate from remarketing campaigns is usually impressive.

Although remarketing works for all kinds of websites, it usually serves the best with the eCommerce ones. This technique comes in handy to recover abandoned carts. It allows advertisers to redisplay the products, which users added to the cart but left the website without purchasing.

Remarketing and Retargeting often appear in digital marketing. And they are used interchangeably on time and often. But looking from a close perspective, they are technically different.


Retargeting = Re + Targeting, which means targeting again. With this advertising strategy, you can target your previous audiences again. This technique is all about targeting the audiences, who have already visited your website. 

It allows the promotion of your product, which users visited but left the site without completing the sale. So retargeting is a useful tool to bring the lost audiences to the purchase lane. 


Remarketing = Re + Marketing, which means marketing again. The process involves marketing the business again to the same audiences but this time the product or approach or both will be different.

An example of remarketing would be sending emails and newsletters. Websites collect users’ email addresses in one form or another. They then use such emails to send promotional emails to advertise their products. The audience is the same here but the advertising approach is different.

The AdWords optimized list is generated by AdWords machine learning based on the types of conversions seen in your account, and Google then attempts to group similar conversions together so you may target them in an audience list. This list is defined as a consolidated audience compiled from several data sources. Adding audience lists to a large number of ad groups and then analyzing the data on a separate level may appear intimidating to some marketers.


Expand Your Audience with Remarketing

Remarketing your product to the same audience base promises a better conversion rate. However, the audience pool will be small and limited. And at some point, it will get saturated failing to bring any extra conversions.

So an advertiser has to constantly look for ways to expand the target audience. Tweaking and expanding locations and adding new target keywords may do that to some extent. But not all of them can bring you conversions.

So for efficient audience expansion, Tinysol IT Solutions tracks down audiences similar to yours and helps expand your audience list. So by targeting new audiences, you can promote your products and still get booming conversions.


Second Chance to Win Your Lost Sales With Retargeting and Remarketing

Once the user leaves your website, it’s hard to get them back. It’s hard, if not impossible, to track online users. So if you fail to make a good first impression or make them purchase your product, they are gone forever.

But with remarketing and retargeting services and strategies, you will get a second chance to win them back. With this tool, you can bridge them back to the pages they left earlier or the products similar to the ones they previously interacted with. By bringing the lost audiences to the purchase path, your website can manage a good track record of sales. At the same time, it will get you a soaring conversion on your ad campaign.


AdWords Remarketing Services to Enhance your Growth

Remarketing can turn your lost audience into a customer. But that requires a well-planned strategy and proper execution. With Tinysol’s remarketing services, you can get back to your lost audiences and create the environment for conversion.

Using Facebook and Google Remarketing Tools, we will help you recapture your valuable users. And with careful remarketing techniques, Tinysol will deliver an increased lead generation. Since we concentrate on driving more purchases, it will help your business grow and thrive. At the same time, we will pave the road for organic traffic and conversions by increasing brand awareness.

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In the past couple of decades, there have been unprecedented advancements in technology. We also encountered a rapid evolution of digital devices and the vast expansion.

Email retargeting is a marketing technique, which lets the advertisers reintroduce their products to the visitors, who showed interest but didn’t follow through with CTA. And as the name itself implies, the promotional material reaches the audiences through an email. The CTA button on these kinds of emails can be anything: making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a report.

Digital retargeting is a paid advertising strategy in which the ads are put in front of the audiences who visited your website and left without following the CTA button. 

In order to run a digital retargeting campaign, you will need to add an HTML code on your website (in header or footer). This code tracks the audience’s behavior and retargets them if there is an incomplete acquisition.

Digital marketing has evolved over the years. Marketing platforms are growing and springing like a mushroom. But the efficacy of remarketing hasn’t diminished a bit. Even in 2020, remarketing works like a charm. 

It still works effectively and many advertisers rely on remarketing to recapture their valuable users. To increase lead generation, drive more purchases, and for the conversion rate optimization, remarketing comes second to none. On top of all that, remarketing is also an amazing tool to increase your brand awareness.

Dynamic remarketing is a type of remarketing technique, where the advertising platform generates highly customized display ads for its past audiences using cookie technology. There are several ways digital remarketing works. And some of the ways are mentioned below:

Google Merchant Center

Google Merchant Center allows the eCommerce business to manage their product listing and advertise their products through Google Shopping Ads and other Ad types. To run their ad campaign, advertisers need to provide information regarding their eCommerce business and products they have in their lineup.

Dynamic remarketing pulls information from Google Merchant Center. And when a user visits the same, similar, or complementary product, it acknowledges them as a potential customer and shows your Ads.

Pixel Implementation

Before creating a dynamic remarketing campaign, it requires the inclusion of HTML code in the header or footer of the pages, you want to keep track of. This kind of HTML code is known as Pixel. 

The Pixel stores user behavior in their browser in the form of cookies. And when a user visits a page with the same or a similar product to yours, the Pixel comes into action. It then starts showing your ads.

Setting Campaign Parameters

After the placement of the Pixel, you can set custom parameters to explicitly define what kind of products to show in your remarketing ads. These kinds of parameters define your campaign goals.

If users visit a web page with shoes, they might be interested in buying socks as well. Showing them jeans or makeup accessories may not bring you conversions. You can control these by setting up the campaign parameters.

Selecting Creative

It allows advertisers to get creative with their ad campaigns. Advertisers can choose ad templates from a set of predesigned templates and A/B to test them based on their performance. Merchant account holders can choose the color, font, and layout options for their ad. Google also allows them to include their own images, logos, and branded graphics.

Dynamic remarketing shows ads to the previous site visitors tailored to them considering their behavior on your website. To create a dynamic remarketing campaign, you will need to follow the following set of steps. 

  1. After signing into your Google Ads account, click on “Campaigns” from the page menu.
  2. You will see a Blue Plus Icon (+) over there. Click on it and select “New Campaign”.
  3. You will see a few options over there. But choose the “Display Network” and select “Sales”.
  4. As you proceed, you will encounter a few more options. This time, click on the Standard Display Campaign. After that, click on “Continue” to proceed.
  5. After that, assign a name for your campaign, set your bid strategy, and allocate the budget.
  6. Since you are running a remarketing (dynamic remarketing) campaign, select remarketing in the audience section and choose a remarketing list. If you don’t already have a remarketing list, you will need to create one. But if you want to avoid going the hard road, you can choose Google AdWords’ optimized list. Through Google AdWords’ optimized list, it’s quick to set up. and usually delivers better performance than one with the manual segmentation.
  7. As you move forward, select Use a data feed for personalized ads. 
  8. After that, define your business type based on the products and services you are offering. If you have an eCommerce website, select Retail, and link it with your Google Merchant Center account. If you couldn’t find your business type in that list, select “Other” and define it manually.
  9. In the next step, click on the Blue Plus Icon (+) for New Ad. This will now create your Ad.
  10. Once you are done with that, select “Create Campaign”. Now your Dynamic Remarketing Campaign is ready.

Retargeting means targeting the past audiences again so that you could bring them to the conversion-path. This kind of marketing strategy caters to the audiences, who visited your website but left prematurely without following through the CTA button.

Retargeting means targeting the past visitors again, who did not complete the conversion process while spending time on your site. For remarketing to work, advertisers need to install a JavaScript Tag called Pixel. The Pixel tracks users and their behavior when they browse your website. If the visitor leaves your website prematurely (without completing conversion), the Pixel comes into action and reminds and reignites the interest of such users.

Remarketing, on the other hand, is targeting past visitors through personalized email campaigns. Remarketing doesn’t involve tracking user behavior or the installation of the Pixel. These kinds of ads only appear to the visitors, who have signed up for the newsletter or provided an email to the website in one form or another.

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